The New York Times Finally Gets to the Bottom of the JFK Mystery!

Thank God! The New York Times -- which, as you know, is the voice of God -- has finally put the JFK mystery to rest. According to Times reporter Elizabeth A. Harris, in her profile of contrarian book publisher Tony Lyons ("contrarian" means he still believes in free speech), "There is no evidence that the U.S. government was involved in President Kennedy’s assassination."

Whew! That's a relief. Harris, of course, spent years investigating the JFK assassination. Didn't she?

Harris knows that the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded in its final report in 1979 that there was a "conspiracy" in President Kennedy's murder, right?

She reviewed all the key sources and evidence and read the well-documented books that revealed CIA involvement in the plot, right?

And I'm sure that Harris has seen the nearly 5,000 JFK documents that the CIA is still hiding, against the law -- including the travel records of CIA assassinations chief William Harvey, who was spotted by his deputy flying from his Rome station to Dallas in the days before Kennedy was killed there? (The Harvey records I tried to legally obtain while researching The Devil's Chessboard, but was blocked by the CIA, even though Harvey is long dead.)

The newspaper of record would NEVER let one of its reporters blithely dismiss U.S. government involvement in the crime of the 20th Century unless she had first done her due diligence.


Now that the New York Times has spoken (again) on this fraught subject, we can all go back to our restful slumber. That's what the mainstream media is for -- to reassure our troubled minds. To put us to sleep.

P.S. Below is President Kennedy with General Curtis LeMay, chief of the Air Force. LeMay thought the U.S. could "win" a nuclear war. Really. He thought Kennedy was "weak." Kennedy thought he was a "madman." Whoops! I hate to wake you up.


John Warnock’s Smile


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