You Have to Seek Out the Truth

As I've pointed out, the New York Times -- and even "independent" information sites like Wikipedia -- are under the control of the national security establishment. The CIA no longer needs Operation Mockingbird to covertly control the press, because spooks and generals tell us what to think each night on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News -- and the war colossus has even vacuumed up independent news outlets. We live in an Orwellian world of daily, 24x7 disinformation.

Fortunately, there are a few cracks in this media stonewall. This is one of them... On the Kim Iversen Show, I was allowed to speak at length about the JFK assassination (of course) and the tragic state of the nation. Give the show a listen if you are looking for an alternative view.


Biden’s Body Double


At 60, We’re Winning - and Losing - the JFK Media War