Chappelle and Netflix: Hit Up, Not Down

Media gatekeepers agonistes... Netflix execs are on the defensive for strongly defending comic Dave Chappelle's new stand-up show, in which he again goes off on trans people, women and lesbians. I'm going to watch Chappelle's show (while I still can), because I'm a big fan of his comic brilliance and because I hate being told what to watch -- whether it's by Republican mullahs or by cancel culture lefties. But I must confess, I'm getting tired of Chappelle hitting down -- pummeling people who have very little voice in how America is actually run. People who are often the targets of discrimination and even violence. Chappelle is at his cutting best when he trashes white racism and the smugness of the powerful. But trans people? Come on, Dave, pick on someone your own size -- or bigger.

While we're on this theme, Netflix chief execs Reed Hastings and Ted Sarandos should stop giving themselves credit for being so brave. If you're a regular viewer of Netflix -- or other streaming services like Amazon's Prime Video -- you know how safe and banal they generally are. Take the subject of war and espionage, my own areas of interest. When have these big entertainment channels ever offered truly challenging shows on national security? The answer is never. All of their programs -- whether documentaries or dramas -- look like they've been vetted by the big CIA office in Hollywood. Their Cold War spy thrillers always present the Americans as dashing heroes and their enemies as dark villains. Our spies are never shown overthrowing democratic governments or assassinating elected leaders. (For a reality check on the CIA, read my book The Devil's Chessboard.)

It's time for Chappelle -- and for Hastings and Sarandos -- to begin hitting up. If they've got real guts.


I Watched Chappelle’s Show - And… It’s Complicated


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