Go Boom!
America is a great country. Still. You can shoot loud stuff off -- even here in Left Coast San Francisco. ESPECIALLY here in Frisco, where the cops let you shoot off loud stuff even on July 1, July 2, July 3, July 4... you name it. And I mean LOUD shit. Rockets red glare that explode with cannon-like volume and rattle your windows at 2 in the morning! Wake up, San Francisco! Except the SFPD -- you can keep on dozing through all the mayhem. Or go shoot another unarmed homeless guy or black teenager. That's what you're good at.
What a great time to celebrate American Freedom. Women are no longer free to control their bodies. Black people are no longer free to vote. And corporations are free to trash the environment as much as they want. Burn, baby, burn.
All the loud boom and bang kind of reminds me of Ukraine. Or maybe it's somewhere else where Russian and American rockets do their thing. Afghanistan? Syria? Somewhere far away we don't have to worry about.
But here at home, we can celebrate American Firepower all year long. Fourth of July? Sure. But we boom and bang here in SF all the time, all through the days, all through the nights. And like I say, the mayor and SFPD do NOTHING about it.
Isn't America great?