God Bless Bernie Sanders
As Barbara Ehrenreich used to say (about then working-class hero Bruce Springsteen), Bernie's the only thing standing between us and fascism. Worried about weak Democratic turnout (especially among progressives and young people), Bernie is going on a midterm blitz of Wisconsin, Oregon, California, Texas and other states, campaigning for progressive House and local candidates.
Like the rest of us, Bernie is gobsmacked that Democrats have so blown it that many (most?) American voters now think that REPUBLICANS(!) are the best pols to manage the economy. Bernie plans to school the Trumpies on the campaign trail: "They're going to have to respond to why they don't want to raise the minimum wage, why they want to give tax breaks to billionaires, why they want to cut Social Security. Those are the questions I think those guys do not want to answer. And those are the questions I'm going to be raising."