Hail to the Commander- in-Chief

It's official -- Joe Biden has become a War President. As the United States plunges deep into white nationalist violence, inflation, economic uncertainty, climate meltdowns, the destruction of reproductive rights and voting rights, billionaire colonization of social media (and outer space) -- in other words, one democracy-ending crisis after the next -- President Biden finally finds his swagger by flooding Ukraine with weaponry and talking tough about Putin.

Yes, Putin is a warmonger. Yes, he's a despot. Yes, he's an assassin. (So, by the way, is every U.S. president since at least Eisenhower -- with the notable exception of Kennedy, who btw was, uh.... assassinated. Even cool, level-headed Barack Obama met every Tuesday with his CIA director, the very Catholic John Brennan, to decide whom to kill that week by drone.) Meanwhile, back in America, we're on a serious downward spiral.

Joe Biden has enthusiastically become a U.S. war president (like all of our "great" presidents) just as we desperately need him to lead the Democrats into the midterm elections. We urgently need a chief executive to rally us on multiple DOMESTIC battlefronts. Instead we have a president who is largely missing in action on all the issues where the far right is on the attack.

Where have you gone, Joe Biden? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.


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