Oscar Airheads
After winning the Best Director and Best Picture awards for Oppenheimer -- his epic movie about the father of the atomic bomb -- Christopher Nolan did not mention his subject once. He -- and his wife, producer Emma Thomas, who accepted the Best Picture statuette -- nattered on about all the show biz and family members they wanted to thank. But not once did Nolan or Thomas mention that their film is about the extinction of the human race.
Look, I get that the Academy Awards platform has been overused in the past by honorees with pet political issues to share with the world. But to go completely silent about Oppenheimer and his moral demons on this big stage strikes me as overly cautious or simply obtuse. I think Nolan is both. His overly praised films show it as well as his arrogant British reticence. Grow a spine (and a brain), man. Say something relevant when it's called for. At least Cillian Murphy, who won the Best Actor award for playing Oppenheimer, saluted "peacemakers everywhere" in his brief acceptance speech.
Other than that, the Oscars show was predictably dull. You didn't miss a thing.
Say nothing: Emma Thomas and husband Christopher Nolan accept the Best Picture award for Oppenheimer.