Our Joe Manchin Problem: Time to Play Hardball

Let’s put aside for now that little West Virginia has no business in a democracy having the same number of senators as New York or Texas or California. Let’s just focus on Joe Manchin, the nominally Democratic senator from that small state who not only ardently defends the undemocratic nature of the Senate, but has become the key factor in President Joe Biden’s ambitious plans to revitalize America. .. or not. After much hemming and hawing, Manchin went along with Biden’s big pandemic relief bill — why he kept the nation in suspense when his own suffering state desperately needed the cash infusion is a question still worth pursuing. But now Manchin is doubling down on his role as Senate decider-in-chief, proclaiming he prefers the much smaller Republican infrastructure bill to Biden’s massive renewal plan, which incorporates climate retooling, job retraining and social justice reforms. Manchin also has made clear that he loves the filibuster — the Senate device also beloved by Mitch McConnell and all legislative defenders of elite interests.

So Joe Manchin, as a key Senate vote, is a problem. A big problem if America is to truly enter the 21st Century. And here’s what the Biden administration needs to do. Get rough. I don’t mean the kindly, old president himself — his poll numbers are sky high, in part because of his ambitious program but also because he is seen as a genial uniter. But Biden needs a pit bull. JFK had his brother, the “ruthless” Bobby Kennedy. LBJ was a pit bull himself. Clinton had Carville — and Hillary. Obama had Rahm Emanuel — for awhile. After Emanuel left the White House, Obama couldn’t even strong-arm aging Ruth Bader Ginsburg off the Supreme Court bench when the Democrats still controlled the Senate.

Now Biden needs some muscle. And Ron Klain doesn’t cut it. Biden’s chief of staff is too nice of a guy. Biden needs someone to play hardball with Joe Manchin. He needs someone who can sit down with the senator from little West Virginia and explain to him the facts of life.

OK, senator, what do you want? What does your state need? The Biden team can do this the easy way — or the hard way. If Manchin needs a little tougher approach, you can always escalate. I hear you had a little problem with your taxes…. or that young girl in Charleston… if you’re in a jam, maybe we can help you.

That’s called politics. It’s never been pretty, but that’s the way it’s played. The Democrats too often forget the basics of the game. But it’s time to relearn.

And now it’s time for me to play a little hardball… If you’ve read this far, you’re clearly hooked on my daily scribblings, and you should help keep me going. Please donate $25 today to the David Talbot Show — or $50 if you’re flush.


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