Revisting the JFK Coup

JFK Revisited... You can now watch the trailer for Oliver Stone's eye-opening new documentary about the JFK assassination -- which, I'm told, has finally found a U.S. distributor. I'm honored to be included in the film, along with such leading JFK truth-tellers as Dr. Cyril Wecht, Dr. Gary Aguilar, John Newman and Jefferson Morley.

Stone's 1991 dramatic feature, JFK, blew the American people's minds (including mine) and forced Congress to release thousands of Kennedy documents, many of which I used in writing my books Brothers and The Devil's Chessboard. (Many other relevant Kennedy documents are STILL being hidden by the CIA, in blatant defiance of the law.)

Watch the trailer -- and the documentary when it comes out. You have a right to your own history.

(Thanks to producer-writer James DiEugenio, who made JFK Revisited possible.)


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