“Someone Would Have Talked” (cont.)
This is the line that the lazy and the cowardly and the compromised in the media and other halls of power have bleated for years, by way of insisting the "case is closed" in the JFK assassination. But numerous people with inside information HAVE indeed talked during the last 50-plus years... but nobody at the New York Times or CNN or the White House, for that matter, has been listening. The latest insider to spill secrets about the Kennedy assassination is the son of a former Cuban exile hitman under contract to the CIA named Ricardo Morales. Before he himself was murdered in 1982, Morales revealed what he knew about the events leading up to Dallas.
Morales, who felt the walls closing on him, confessed to his son that he was a CIA sniper instructor at a secret camp in Florida -- and that among his trainees was young Lee Harvey Oswald. According to Morales, there was no way that Oswald could've pulled off "the magic bullet" feat in Dallas because he was not a skilled marksman.
This connection between Oswald and the CIA's deadly covert war on Fidel Castro's regime in Cuba immediately became the investigative focus of then-Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy after the murder of his brother. Other anti-Castro Cuban militants like Antonio Veciana have also tied Oswald to the CIA. As Senator Richard Schweiker famously said after he investigated the Kennedy assassination for the Church Committee in the 1970s, "the fingerprints of intelligence" were all over Oswald. He was set up to take the fall for the "murder most foul" -- he was, as he shouted to the press in the Dallas police station, nothing more than "a patsy."
Will the New York Times take notice of this latest revelation about the Kennedy assassination? After all, it's a well-reported article in the Miami Herald. Don't hold your breath. Will it compel President Biden to finally abide by the law and release thousands of JFK documents that are still being hidden by the CIA? Again, don't count on it.
The Kennedy coverup by the political ruling order and the corporate media has been long and vast. But the truth has an inconvenient way of leaking out.
Everything is broken in America. Trump's vile rule made that shockingly clear. And we still can't fully confront existential issues like the climate crisis, the growing gap between the super rich and the rest of us, and the grotesque disinvestment in our national future. The bad guys won in Dallas in November 1963 -- and they are still winning.
But if we can take control of our past, maybe we still have a future.
Ricardo Morales, known as “Monkey,” second left, and his “cleanup” crew posing with CIA-provided sniper rifles. The date and the location of the photo are not known.