The Devil and Mr. McConnell

For years he made a profitable deal with the Devil. In return for his loyal, even blind support, he got his judges, his tax cuts for the super rich, his wife in the Cabinet, his pork for Kentucky. But after making good use of the Great Satan in the White House, Mitch McConnell is now ready to “purge” his Republican Party of Donald Trump, according to this evening’s New York Times. The Senate Majority Leader (for a few more days) reportedly “hates” Trump for inciting a mob to trash the Capitol — which McConnell thinks of as HIS house. And his rumpus with Georgia Republicans also cost McConnell his Senate throne. So it’s little wonder that, according to the Times, McConnell is now ready to vote for Trump’s impeachment — along with other major Capitol Hill Republicans like Rep. Liz Cheney, her party’s number three official in the House.

So are McConnell and Cheney and the other rats scurrying from the sinking ship now heroes? Well, I’ll let out one big cheer for them — because Trump might be walking dead, but he’s still a dangerous zombie. And he needs several stakes driven through where his heart should be. There are still many thousands of Trump fanatics who are willing to throw themselves against the enhanced security of the nation’s capital — as well as numerous state capitols — on Inauguration Day. And there are still Congressional crazies like Reps. Mo Brooks of Alabama and Paul Gosar of Arizona, who urged on the Trump barbarians last week and are STILL unrepentant seditionists. So yes, one cheer today for Mitch McConnell… and a bigger one if he really does vote for impeachment.

But let’s not forget that McConnell was Trump’s biggest enabler in Washington for four years. It took him fearing for his life — a fear that his black constituents must feel every time they cross paths with the police or confront the white militants who proudly displayed the Confederate and Trump flags last week in McConnell’s “sacred” Capitol building.

Yes, McConnell himself was a Satanist until Satan does what he does and went a little too far.


The Speaker Has Spoken


The Smiling Policeman