“The Fingerprints of Intelligence:” An Academic Breakthrough?

In advance of the eye-opening new Oliver Stone documentary, which premieres on Showtime on Monday November 22, you can hear my interview "Fingerprints of Intelligence: Allen Dulles and the JFK Assassination," on a podcast series hosted by the astute Matthew Berkman for the Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy.

The interview represents an academic breakthrough of sorts, because as I point out, American scholars by and large have been just as timid as their media counterparts when it comes to this dark chapter in U.S. history. But this podcast series is being offered under the banner of the University of Pennsylvania. I'd like to think that it represents the beginning of a new era of academic freedom and curiosity relating to the killing of President Kennedy and its long coverup. You seldom hear information like this aired in academia. As CIA spymaster Dulles himself liked to (ironically) say, "The truth shall set you free."


‘Tis the Season to be Viewing… and Reading


The Killing of Malcolm X — Gimme Some Truth