The New York Times’ Endless Bloodlust

Thanks to independent journalists like Matt Taibbi (whose newsletter TK News is an indispensable daily read -- subscribe today), the mainstream media has been shamed (to the extent that corporate media HAS any shame) into acknowledging the military-industrial connections of their Afghanistan national security "experts." Not only did favorite New York Times and Washington Post quote machines and TV talking heads like Meghan O'Sullivan and Jeh Johnson keep the U.S. in the forever war -- they're also profiting from the endless bloodletting in the region by sitting on the boards of weapons manufacturers like Raytheon.

After helping pave the road to endless war with its false reporting on Saddam's nonexistent WMD (hell, let's go back to the 1950s, with its jingoistic reporting that helped the CIA overthrow democracy in Iran), does the New York Times have ANY conscience when it comes to the slaughterhouse of the Middle East? Um, the short answer is no. Just read the Times' daily drumbeat against President Biden for withdrawing AFTER 20 YEARS (!) from Afghanistan.

It must be said: the New York Times is one of America's most shrill warmongers. I'd say "Shame on them" -- but their executive leadership has no shame.

Matt Taibbi on a recent episode of Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti’s Breaking Points

Matt Taibbi on a recent episode of Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti’s Breaking Points


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