The Slow Hustle — The Long Battle for Justice in America

The Slow Hustle -- that's what my friend, author D. Watkins, calls the long, arduous process of social change. D should know -- after surviving a youth of hard knocks on the streets of Baltimore, he's become a leading critic of the endemic corruption in that city's notoriously dirty police department. The Slow Hustle, featuring D. Watkins, is the title of a new HBO documentary, focusing on the suspicious 2017 shooting death of Baltimore police detective Sean Suiter.

Was Suiter shot by a fellow cop, Serpico style, on the eve of his testimony to the feds about police corruption? Or was he a suicide, knowing that the feds were closing in on him too? The Slow Hustle is not only a fascinating who-dunnit -- it's a dissection of the rotting criminal justice system in urban America. Baltimore might have its own unique problems, but as D makes clear, policing in America is deeply fucked up.

(Full disclosure and all that -- I proudly edited D's collection of essays , The Beast Side, and he writes a column for Salon, the publication I founded in 1995 but am no longer connected to.)

Here's the trailer.

D. Watkins in The Slow Hustle


“Sirhan Didn’t Kill My Father”


‘Tis the Season to be Viewing… and Reading