The Streets of San Francisco Have Become a Political War Zone

Reason vs. hysteria. In San Francisco, that public battle comes down to District Attorney Chesa Boudin vs. Mayor London Breed. Playing to the law and order bleachers, Breed recently announced a police crackdown (including the mass hiring of more cops) on the Tenderloin, the poverty-plagued district that borders the Civic Center. While Breed was appeasing her corporate patrons -- and Fox News -- by announcing her kick-ass approach to deep-seated social problems, Boudin boldly led a press conference yesterday assailing the mayor's Tenderloin crackdown.

"We can't arrest and prosecute our way out of problems that are afflicting the Tenderloin," Boudin stated, pointing out that drug addicts and mentally ill people desperately need more treatment, not incarceration. "Right now in San Francisco it's easier to get high than it is to get help. That has to change. I will do everything in my power to make the Tenderloin safe for all San Francisco."

This is the voice of true leadership. And that's why Boudin is the target of a billionaire-funded recall campaign. The elites love to knock off visionary leaders like Boudin. And they love crooked hacks like Breed, who dangle at the end of their puppet strings.

Speaking of SF empty suits, the Tenderloin's supervisor -- Matt Weenie, I mean Haney -- was nowhere near the Boudin press conference yesterday. Haney kind of supports Boudin's call for more treatment services and less policing. But he also supports Breed's police state plan. Huh? He's a real nowhere man.

If you support strong, visionary leadership, support Chesa Boudin in his battle against the right-wing recall campaign. While others are spouting police-baton nonsense, Boudin is speaking the tough truth. We need more leaders like him, not less.


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