We Shall Live Again… A new song for our dark times

We Shall Live Again... We all know we're on the brink of extinction. My friend Peter Dale Scott, who's an eternal optimist (he's Canadian), thinks the Coming Cataclysm can and must be nonviolent. We're awash in dystopia these days. Novels and TV shows like "Station Eleven" darkly predict the end of civilization as we know it. It seems that shock and ennui are embedded in the psyches of young people. That's why when I come across any prophets -- or musicians -- who predict a resurrection from the ashes of our ruins, I take notice. So allow me to present the new song "We Shall Live Again" by the Felice Brothers. It's mordantly funny and deeply moving at the same time. And it's strangely hopeful . If you're down about the coming apocalypse (and what sentient being isn't?), you need to listen.

You shall live again

You shall live again

This world is ours and all the stars

It's like the icing on the cake of death

And the only word that rhymes is breath

We shall live again

By the way, the Felice Brothers was actually started by three brothers, who played their music in the subways of New York. There are still two left.


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