Yes, Joe Biden IS a Gold Star Father

You gotta LOVE the New York Times (not). In its latest cri du coeur for America's rapidly declining empire, the Times features a Sunday front-page story by Katie Rogers attacking President Biden for still mourning the loss of his eldest son, Beau. Serving with the Delaware National Guard, Beau Biden was stationed on Balad Air Base in Iraq, where Dick Cheney's firm, the military contractor Halliburton, burned 140 tons of waste a day -- including body parts, used bandages and other medical garbage, plastics, old tires, you name it -- in open-air burn pits.

The Times quotes William McGurn -- a speechwriter for President George W. Bush (both of whom should burn in an open pit of Hell) -- who had the temerity to scold President Biden in a Wall Street Journal column. "Mr. Biden is not a Gold Star father and should stop playing one on TV," sneered McGurn.

But Joe Biden IS a Gold Star father -- and he should come out and say it loud and clear. As he himself suspects, his son Beau died from a rare brain cancer 18 moths after returning home from Iraq after inhaling the toxic fumes from the Balad burn pits day in and day out. As veterans groups now suing the Pentagon and Halliburton know, countless numbers of U.S. soldiers -- as well as Iraqi and Afghan people -- were poisoned by the fumes from the burn pits.

Army veteran Joseph Hickman conducted a lengthy investigation of the burn pit medical crisis -- which he calls the Agent Orange scandal of the War on Terror. His work resulted in a book that I had the honor of editing.

Thousands of sick and dying veterans and their families know the truth. So does Joe Biden. His son was another victim of the endless war in the Middle East. He died from the “friendly smoke” — as I call it — of war. As a Gold Start parent, Joe Biden should let the world know about his son's sacrifice.

And yes, fuck the New York Times, which lacked the courage to even mention the burn pit scandal, despite widespread knowledge about the circumstances of Beau's death.

Joe Biden bids farewell to his son Beau

Joe Biden bids farewell to his son Beau


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