Deep State Journalism

Even though you've probably never heard of him, Aaron Good is a national treasure. For the past few years, Aaron -- an independent scholar in Pennsylvania (the academic establishment doesn't like his free-thinking sort) -- has been conducting deep interviews with the grand masters of power studies, like Peter Dale Scott -- and me! Aaron and popular podcaster Brace Belden recently did a smart, in-depth interview with me about Allen Dulles, JFK and the national security state. It's behind a paywall, because Aaron must make a living, but it's well worth the price of admission. Aaron also has written a book on America's subterranean, permanent government that Skyhorse will soon publish (more on that later).

Nearly 60 years after his assassination, John F. Kennedy and his embattled presidency loom ever larger as the path not taken by America. Establishment historians like Michael Beschloss and Doris Kearns Goodwin refuse to acknowledge the awful truth about the Kennedy presidency -- that it was violently terminated by former CIA director Dulles and his national security cabal because JFK was trying to end their racket, i.e., the Cold War. (Goodwin's late husband, Dick Goodwin, who served in the Kennedy administration, knew the truth -- and told it to me for my book "Brothers," while his minder-wife was out of the room.)

This is a photo of President Kennedy taken by White House photographer Jacques Lowe at the moment JFK was told about the assassination of Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba -- a man Kennedy had supported as the hope of a newly liberated Africa. Kennedy was told of Lumumba's violent death by his UN ambassador, Adlai Stevenson -- NOT by Dulles's CIA, which knew about his torture and death for weeks but kept it from Kennedy, because the spy agency feared that Kennedy would save him. The CIA knew about the brutalization of Lumumba because it was responsible for it.

The anguish on President Kennedy's face represents all the sorrow to come -- for the Kennedy family and for America.


Because Our Fathers Lied


Money Don’t Get Everything, It’s True — But…