$enator Kyrsten $inema Is All About the Benjamins, Baby

Everyone knows that Senator Joe Manchin might as well have corporate decals all over his business suits like a NASCAR driver. But Senator Kyrsten Sinema -- the OTHER, less infamous Democrat on the verge of sabotaging President Joe Biden's national renewal bills -- is just as owned by corporate America. Among her main objections to Biden's bills, says Sinema, is they would tax the wealthy to pay for social spending and they would also control Big Pharma profiteering. Both of these provisions are hugely popular with voters, including Republicans and independents. So don't buy Sinema's line that she is trying to appeal to a broad swath of the electorate in purple Arizona. Sinema's opposition to Biden's bedrock legislation is all about the Benjamins.

Among Sinema's corporate underwriters are the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and the main Big Pharma lobbying group, which also happen to be leading the campaign against Biden's legislation. In addition, Sinema is financed by Goldman Sachs, Comcast, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Alphabet (the corporate parent of "don't do evil" Google) and other big business brand names.

Sinema began her political career as a Green Party activist and she identifies as bisexual. So she's cool, right? That's what Emily's List, the backer of women candidates, and the LGBTQ Victory Fund, and the League of Conservation Voters think. They've all given money to her, proving once again that single-issue politics will be the death of the progressive cause in America.

As long as Big Money can buy politicians like Kyrsten Sinema, there will be no sweeping progress in America. We are doomed as a nation to keep driving on crumbling roads and bridges, to endure devastating climate havoc, to underinvest in education and our children's future -- in short, to be a backward shithole of a country where the rich get richer and the rest of us get fucked.

But, hey, Kyrsten sure looks sassy in those lavender dresses, doesn't she?


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