The CIA Wanted to Kill Julian Assange Too

A big round of applause to Yahoo News (!) and the Intercept for breaking this story on how President Trump's CIA plotted to kidnap and assassinate Wikileaks’ Julian Assange. (The spy agency also contemplated targeting journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, who aided whistleblower Edward Snowden, as enemies of the state,)

The CIA is a dangerous, rogue agency and has been ever since it was created -- as Presidents Truman (who reluctantly approved its founding) and Kennedy (we know what happened to him) publicly stated. JFK should've followed through on his threat to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." But Kennedy's enemies -- led by Allen Dulles, the psychotic former CIA chief -- shattered his head in Dallas before he could remake the national security state.

Now there is no presidential will to rein in the CIA. And there is no popular movement to wind down the U.S. empire. We're truly fucked.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo considered Assange a legitimate assassination target

CIA Director Mike Pompeo considered Assange a legitimate assassination target


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