Governor Newsom vs. the GOP Taliban

While the New York Times continues its hair-on-fire coverage of how the U.S. "lost" Afghanistan to, um, Afghanistan, what | worry about is California falling to the Republican Taliban. Governor Gavin Newsom is facing a recall campaign that might actually put right-wing nut-job radio host Larry Elder in the state Capitol. Elder, for those of you who have missed his frequent appearances on Fox, is against women's reproductive rights and even a rock-bottom minimum wage for workers. He also has dismissed the climate crisis as a "crock." (Tell it to the weary firefighters who are now battling SIX out-of-control, drought-caused wildfires in the state.) THIS is the Trump wacko who is the leading Republican candidate to replace Governor Newsom!

Now I'm not a huge fan of Gavin, as my readers know. He's too enamored of Big Tech and his wealthy friends, for my taste. But the Republican clown car that's trying to replace him would make the biggest state in the nation a laughingstock. Newsom is a force for sanity when it comes to environmental regulation, gun control, ending the death penalty and boosting resources for public education.

But the surging delta variant of Covid-19 has spooked the citizenry. Who knows how many Californians -- who lean heavily Democratic -- will bother to cast ballots, which have already begun showing up in people's mail.

Look, my fellow Californians, we have enough problems as it is. Letting a Republican extremist sneak into the governor's office through the side door of off-year recall politics would be another big nail in our coffin.

Vote NO on the Republican recall of Governor Newsom -- and then close up and mail your ballot. DON'T pick Elder or any of the other wingnuts on the ballot. Just vote NO on the recall. Stop the Taliban takeover of the Golden State.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has better things to do.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has better things to do.


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