President Biden’s Intelligence Problem

Now it turns out that no, the CIA and the rest of America's gold-plated intelligence complex did NOT warn the White House that the U.S.-trained Afghan army was just days away from crumbling. Of course just two days ago, in full butt-covering mode, Langley spooks were madly leaking to the New York Times's Mark Mazzetti and other national security stenographers that they HAD warned President Biden that the Taliban were rapidly taking over the entire country. President Biden obviously didn't want the buck to stop in the Oval Office. So yesterday National Intelligence Director Avril Haines and Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley put the intelligence failure directly where it belongs -- on the CIA and its associated spy agencies. According to Haines and Milley, the CIA was utterly clueless about the imminent collapse of the U.S. puppet regime in Kabul.

Will the "loss" of Afghanistan prompt U.S. lawmakers to investigate the CIA's and the Pentagon's imperial ineptitude? Don't hold your breath. Washington still clings to its increasingly tattered image as "Leader of the Free World" -- a "free world" that includes Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other Medieval states. Until America gets over its imperial delusions (hello, New York Times and MSNBC), we'll never be free.

How the CIA won hearts and minds in Afghanistan

How the CIA won hearts and minds in Afghanistan


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